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  • Writer's pictureSydney Caroline

Restored + Redeemed:Returning To The Father Who Fully Embraces Us

“I have discovered this principle of life- that when I want to do what is right, I inevitably do what is wrong. I love God’s law with all my heart. But there’s another power within me that is at war in my mind. This power makes me a slave of the sin still within me.” Romans 7:21-25

Friends, sometimes I feel torn between what I should or shouldn’t do.

Sometimes I feel worn out from trying to make up for past mistakes.

Sometimes I feel exhausted from long days filled with to-do lists.

Sometimes I feel starved for more than what I’ve been given.

This world only has so much to offer, until it sucks me completely dry. I long to be standing beside Jesus as He speaks of Truth and the water of everlasting life.

Life can feel like one huge game of tug-of-war. Each side pulls harder and harder, leaving me stretched thin. The back and forth struggle during the trials of this earth can be overwhelming, tiresome, and fearful.

So many pressures and expectations are built up in a society that tells us we should both fit in and stand out simultaneously. How in the world is that even possible? But that’s just it, it’s in this world that culture tells us these lies of we aren’t good enough, pretty enough, popular enough, strong enough, brave enough, successful enough.

And you know what? I have had enough of it. Because that is evil himself speaking into our subconscious.

We have the freedom to wildly express who our Creator made us to be. We don’t have to live up to the suppressing expectations of others when our eyes are fixed upon the endless love that our sweet Jesus freely gives.

Oh the joyous relief that comes with that kind of freedom! It allows us to transfer our own fears, anxieties, struggles into the hands of the One who can, who has, and who always will continue to perfectly handle it all!

“Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers him out of them all.” (Psalms‬ ‭34:19‬) ‭

One of my favorite stories in the Bible is the parable Jesus shares of the Lost Son (Luke 15:11-32). Basically, there is a dude who feels entitled enough to demand his inheritance from his still-alive dad (um, rude). Surprisingly enough, the dad oh so generously gives it to him, and the son goes about his merry way living the fancy life. After recklessly squandering all of it away, he finds himself eating/sleeping/hanging out with pigs (yikes). He finally realizes he’s had enough of that and hopes his dad will at least take him back as a servant. As the son is walking up to his home, his dad spots him. In this moment, I can only imagine the rush of immense guilt he felt, wishing he could turn back around and run for the hills. Crap, he sees me now. He probably hates me and will kick me out for my ratchet self.

As soon as the father laid eyes on his beloved, long lost son, he ran to embrace him. He ran to him y’all. A full on sprint to greet him, hug him, welcome him home. He didn’t knock him out, point fingers, or guilt trip him. His precious child confessed his mistakes, and he decided to throw a party for him. Say whatttt? Yep, made a gigantic celebratory feast upon his return. Total rager.

This paints a beautifully vivid picture of what Jesus does to us, His own long lost children. Even when we hit our lowest point, we can ask for forgiveness. Not that we’ve earned it, but simply because He is a good Father. Jesus comes running when we seek Him, fully embracing us with redemption and a huge welcome back party.

The name of Jesus alone has infinite power to conquer all trembling doubts, agonizing insecurities, and wretched pasts. He is the God who saves us and rescues us, even when we’re eating/sleeping/hanging out with the pigs. We can rest in the assurance of His unfailing love for us all.

When I dwell on His greatness instead of my own inadequacies, it is a total game changer.

My heart is on fire for The Almighty who saves me from destruction.

My soul sings hallelujah to my One True King who calls me by name.

My eyes are lifted to the Heavens as His light shines brightly upon me.

My lips shout praises to the One who is gloriously worthy of each song.

You are not defined by heartaches of this life. Instead, you can claim victory over them because of who your Heavenly Father is. There is nothing we can do to separate us from His unconditional love. Our sweet Jesus came down to this earth not for the righteous saints, but the lowly, the hypocrites, the isolated, the sinners.

He whispers of the infallible beauty in redemption through Him. (Psalm 49:15)

He speaks of the unconditional love freely given to us. (Psalm 42:8)

He sings of relentless restoration over our broken hearts. (Jeremiah 31: 18-20)

Maybe you are like the long lost son in the Parable Jesus told. Maybe you feel like you’ve deserted the One who gives life, but coming back Home seems impossible.

Friend, our Abba Father is waiting on you. He longs for the day we return to him, asking for His forgiveness. And when that day comes, He will have the biggest welcoming party overflowing with delicious feasts, happy music, funky dancing, colorful flowers, and an ambiance of pure joy.

Now that sounds like a party I’ll RSVP to!


The Prayer:

Hey Jesus,

My vulnerable, broken heart is being offered up to You, Lord. All shattered pieces of my being is in Your steady hands. Please forgive me of all my dark and repetitive wrongdoings. Teach me how to be still in Your presence, oh God. I yearn to have my heart postured towards Heaven, so that I may hear Your sweet, gentle voice.

You have the holiness to forgive and love. You have the righteousness to forget our past, remain in our present, and foresee our future. You have the compassion to choose to adopt us into Your heavenly family. You have the key to everlasting life and invite us to join the party.

Thank You for looking past my inadequacies to see that I am worth loving. Thank You for welcoming me with open arms. Thank You for sharing Truth, so that we may comfortably rest in You. Thank You for healing our brokenness, and turning even the worst days into something beautiful.

For all future tomorrows, help me to rely on You alone for reassurance that You will never stop pursuing my heart. My walk looks different than others’ because it is made to be my own unique and beautiful story.

Even when all seems lost, You have already found me. Even when I’m surrounded by darkness, Your light shines through. Even when my heart is shattered, You mend me. Even when I feel as if I don’t belong, You call me Your beloved child.

You alone are the God who restores and redeems, and for that I am forever grateful. As I go into another day, help me to lean not on my own understanding, but to seek You above all else. Thank you for endless mercies that freshly await my soul each morning.

All my love & in Jesus’ name I pray,


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