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  • Writer's pictureSydney Caroline

Almost Truth Isn't Truth

Updated: Jul 10, 2019

I almost believed a lie yesterday. For a split second, just a fleeting moment, a voice in my head said, “I’m leaving”.

And honestly, it felt like I had been sucker punched. Because during that split second, I thought it was the Lord.

Why would He leave? I thought He said He would never leave or forsake me?

Like a wave crashing on the shore, I heard His gentle whisper “I AM and I am not going anywhere. I am here beside you, surrounding you, and within you.”

The enemy almosttttt sounded like Papa in that first thought. Something in my subconscious had led me to think for a hot second that my Jesus would change His mind about the way He loves me. The enemy is so good at deception because he takes Truth itself and bends it just a leeeeetle bit to make it a horrible lie. And he almost had me there. It could’ve been so close.

But if my God doesn’t cast a shifting shadow, then He certainly does not tell me He’s never going to leave and then peace out. He doesn’t shame me for going through a tough season. He doesn’t run away when I cry out to Him. And He certainly doesn’t leave when I actually need to lean extra hard onto His unfailing Love.

I’m over the enemies “almost truth”. I H A T E when he tries to deceive me because I know that if I’m not actively in the Word or around God fearing people, I’ll fall into his trap of what he says about me until I realize that I am in fact being deceived.

If you’re reading this... please know that satan personalizes evil. He is stupid good at making sure he knows exactly what it will take for you to doubt what the Lord says is true about you. He knows the little things to distract you with throughout the day, just so you may start to think it’s a coincidence.

But even so, Abba is infinitely greater in power, sovereignty, grace, justice, and love. Although I’m far from stellar at being confident in who He says I am every second of the day, He is faithfully gracious in that hot mess. So friend, next time a thought catches your attention, match it up to what Love says about you Himself. It’s worth the revelation every dang time. 🖤

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