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  • Writer's pictureSydney Caroline

I'm in Love

I’m in Love, and let me explain. This isn’t a new human I’m suddenly infatuated with. I am still single as a Pringle, but nevertheless, I am definitely in Love.

Recently, I’ve been thinking a lot about singleness- the really great and the really hard parts. But the Holy Spirit has overwhelmed me with this Truth- that I am never alone because He is the sweet Shepherd who leaves the 99 lost sheep to chase after me.

So if you’re like me and need to be reminded from time to time who True Love is and what He looks like, keep reading this note. I wrote it recently when I was reminded of how good King Jesus is, in all seasons. Intimacy with True Love is special because He is with us during singleness, dating, marriage, divorce, and everything in between.


As a part of your church, thank you for being the perfect husband. Thank you for the satisfaction of knowing I am clearly understood, continuously chased, fully known, deeply loved. Your vision for me is full of purpose (Ephesians 5:25-27).

I am protected because you fight for me daily (Ephesians 6:10-20). You give me the freedom to be exactly who I was created to be.

I don’t have to wonder if you still are interested in pursuing my heart because you are Jealous for me (2 Corinthians 11:2).

I don’t have to be fearful of any distance between us because You are always stirring within my heart, walking hand-in-hand beside me, following with goodness and mercy behind me, and clearing the wretched path in front of me (Psalm 23:6).

I never am curious if You are bored or tired with me because You rejoice when I call out to You.

In You, I am whole and complete because of Your righteousness and grace. I don’t need someone to fulfill the spot of a “better half” because Your presence provides contentment and satisfying adoration.

I don’t have to be insecure about my body because you tell me I am fearfully and wonderfully handcrafted by my Creator (Psalm 139:14).

I don’t have to tremble in fear for earthly pains because You have fought all my battles and won every single one of them.

You call me by name, worthy. You call me treasured. You call me yours. Your love knows no ending, no darkness, no infidelity, no harm, no hidden secrets.

You give me good gifts that don’t fade away, expire, or go out of style. Your gifts equip me to new levels of intimacy with you, bringing discernment, joy, peace, Hope. You took one look at my scars, bruises, weaknesses, sin and said “I love you, Sydney”.

This isn’t an exchange-based relationship, it is the purest and truest form of Love.


So to whoever is reading this- you are deeply understood, unconditionally adored, and wholly created.

XO, Syd

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